The first one being this new/old truck that Bren drove home from Seymour last night. He had to get a special license to be allowed to drive it. It has a cool room in the side and storage in the back. It doesn't have a radio though. Yet.
It makes me feel like a real farmer.

Hip hip hooray!
And fourthly and finally, Farmer Bren will be at Collingwood Children's Farm Farmers' Market this Saturday the 13th of November from 8am-1pm selling the best eggs in town.
Hopefully he'll see you there.
How thrilling getting a new/old truck, things are really moving along for you.. Congratulations on your great new boxes too!
Hey those boxes look fantastic. You logo looks brilliant in black and white (well cardboard!) x
Love the truck.
Love the number plate.
Love the cartons.
Love you five.
P.S. Haven't met Pierre yet, but look forward to doing so. Soon.
Lots of excellent stuff.
LOVE the number plate- but hello you ARE really farmers! xo
You're just unstoppable!
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