
29 March 2010

Veg of the moment.

This is a thin slice of our new favourite vegetable.

We have just picked three crates of them this morning.

You should see the grin on Bren's face whenever he cuts one of these amazing vegies in half.

Can you guess what it is?

If you guess the right vegetable and then come and visit us at the farm stall, we''ll give you a bunch for free.

Have fun out there.


Cathie said...

that looks like an heirloom radish of some sort.

M* (Melanie) said...


Anonymous said...

swede or turnip

PJ said...

That's a chinese watermelon radish

Leonie Guld said...

Radish? maybe?

pen said...

just plain beautiful is what it is

farmdoc said...

I'll bet you didn't grow it; but rather it's something you crocheted, Kate. xxxxx

Anonymous said...

it's totally a beetroot!

Cathie said...

Kate, my partner wants to guess that it's a red meat radish.

teddybearswednesday said...

Um I think it might be some sort of heirloom radish.xo